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  1. I teach Creative Writing at a middle school. I have a 7th grade student who has just written three novels for teens. Her latest one is wonderful and I would like to assist her to get it published, or at least read by a publisher. Any ideas?

    I would appreciate any help or ideas that you may have.

    • Hello Audrey,
      This question is soon to be answered on our FAQ page. However, if you would like an answer sooner, please e-mail us at
      Thank you.

  2. Hello,
    I’m a young teen, and happens to be very interested in writing my own novels. I have done a few projects of my own, but, I’m very unsure about the future roads of it.

  3. Hi, I just found this really amazing site and it seems to be filled with very amazing writers, which is a treat because I never knew so many teenagers write! I’m a 16 year-old myself and I’ve been writing pretty much my whole life. I really think it’s time I “get out there” and promote my work. What kind of suggestions do you have?

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